Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Business Proposal Part 1

Business Proposal Part 1

Q instruction for business proposal: 1. Purpose Statement (100-250 words) provides clear statement of why the business proposal is being made. 2. Problem Statement (revised as needed from Topic 1 assignment feedback) including specific data (statistics and numbers) related to how the problem impacts the business. This part of the proposal should include the graph/chart/data you collected in Part 1 of the Topic 2 assignment. 3. Data and Research Findings (250-500 words) should include a summary of what you learned from conducting research related to what has already been done to address the organizational problem. This part of the proposal should include the graph/chart/data you collected in Part 2 of the Topic 2 assignment. 4. Proposed Solution (250-500 words) should include a summary of the top three problem solutions you considered to address the problem. In addition to including the graph/chart/data you collected in Part 3 of the Topic 2 assignment, this section should provide a succinct discussion of the pros and cons of implementing each of the top three solutions being considered to address the problem. 5. Stakeholder Analysis and Benefits (500 words, revised as needed from Topic 3 assignment feedback) 6. Implementation Methods (250-500 words) summarize specific strategies that will used to implement the problem solution including time and costs associated with implementation.

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The intention of every organization is to establish a positive workplace ambience as much as it is to generate revenue and develop a competitive edge. Our company has always uphold its policy to work towards providing effective IT solutions to organizations in need and create a database of solutions, by putting into use the experts and talents that are dedicated to the mission of the organization. Of lately though there has been a deterioration in the quality of work and productivity of the employees because of the negative work culture and discriminatory practices towards the employees, that have greatly impacted employee retention. There has been a growing issue between employee-manager relationships and this has impacted not only the culture of the organization, but also the image as it has been slowly degrading into an ambience that is rampant with discrimination and exploitation. Amidst this, it has become imperative to act immediately and resolve differences between the employees through effective implementation of work policies that ensure employee fairness and unbiased promotion. This proposal therefore